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Taylor'd in the Media

See what others are saying about Taylor’d! From industry spotlights to local news features, these articles showcase how our innovative firefighter training props, custom container projects, and rental solutions are making an impact. Explore the stories below to learn more about our work and reputation.

Taylor'd on YouTube

Check out our YouTube videos to see our containers, modifications, and rental units in real-world applications. From secure storage solutions to fully customized builds, our videos showcase the quality, versatility, and durability of our products. Watch now to get a closer look at what makes Taylor’d Systems the right choice for your needs!

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These Informational Videos are for general instructional purposes only. It is not intended to replace the instructions of your certified fire fighter trainer which should be followed in all cases. The publishers, authors, owners, and sponsors of these Informational Videos, assume no responsibility with respect to any material, video, or written, including examples, instructions, techniques or uses, contained in these Informational Videos. Any use of these Informational Videos is at your own risk. The publishers, authors, owners, and sponsors of these Informational Videos do not make any representations or warranties concerning these Informational Videos including, but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of its content. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any opinion, advice, demonstration, information or other content contained in these Informational Videos. Please seek the advice of professionals, as appropriate, regarding the evaluation of any specific opinion, advice, product, information or other content. The publishers, authors, owners, and sponsors of these Informational Videos expressly disclaim any warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. By viewing these Informational Videos, you release the publishers, authors, owners, and sponsors of these Informational Videos from all liability arising out of your use of these Informational Videos whether such liability is based in contract or tort.

The content of these Informational Videos are the property of Taylor’d Systems, LLC, DBA Taylor’d Containers or its licensors. Any unauthorized, duplication, copying, performance, or distribution is strictly prohibited.

Taylor'd Testimonials

City of Vandalia Fire Department

Skyview Volunteer Fire Company


We’ve compiled all the essential guides, specifications, and documents in one place. Whether you need firefighter training prop details, container modification specs, or rental info, you’ll find it here. Download what you need below!